Reference Of Mango

References of Mangos

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): The FAO provides comprehensive information on mango cultivation, production, and trade. It offers data on global mango production, major producing countries, varieties, and post-harvest handling techniques. Access their website for in-depth information on mango-related topics. [1]

National Mango Board: The National Mango Board (NMB) is a U.S. organization that promotes the consumption, education, and awareness of mangos. Their website contains a wealth of resources, including mango recipes, nutritional information, handling tips, and mango industry news. Refer to their website to explore mango-related content. [2]

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry: This scientific journal publishes research articles related to the chemistry and nutritional composition of various foods, including mangos. It provides insights into the phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals present in mangos, along with their potential health benefits. Consult relevant articles from this journal for detailed information on the nutritional profile of mangos. [3]

International Mango Festival: The International Mango Festival, organized by the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Miami, Florida, celebrates mangos and showcases different mango varieties from around the world. This annual event offers opportunities to learn about mango cultivation, taste different mango varieties, and attend educational sessions. Attend or explore the festival to gather firsthand knowledge and experience on mangos. [4]

Mango: Botany, Production, and Uses: This book by Richard Litz provides a comprehensive overview of mango botany, cultivation practices, and various uses of mangos. It covers topics such as mango genetics, propagation, pest management, post-harvest handling, and utilization of mango products. Consult this book for a detailed understanding of mango production and utilization. [5]

Traditional and Medicinal Uses of Mangos: This article, published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, explores the traditional and medicinal uses of mangos in different cultures. It discusses the various parts of the mango tree and fruit used in traditional medicine, including their reported pharmacological properties and potential therapeutic applications. Refer to this article for insights into the traditional uses of mangos beyond their culinary applications. [6]

Mango Varieties Database: The Mango Varieties Database, maintained by the International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet), provides a comprehensive collection of information on different mango varieties worldwide. It includes details about each variety's characteristics, origins, flavor profiles, and uses. Explore this database to learn about specific mango varieties and their unique attributes. [7]

Mango Industry Development Program: The Mango Industry Development Program, initiated by the Philippine Department of Agriculture, aims to promote the growth and development of the mango industry in the Philippines. The program provides resources, guidelines, and support to mango farmers, processors, and exporters. Access their materials to gain insights into mango production practices and industry development initiatives. [8] is a website dedicated to promoting mango consumption and providing information about mangos. It offers various resources, including mango recipes, nutritional facts, selection tips, and handling instructions. Visit this website for a range of mango-related information and culinary inspiration. [9]

Mango: The King of Fruits: This documentary film explores the history, cultural significance, and global impact of mangos. It delves into the journey of mango cultivation and trade across different countries, highlighting the economic importance and rich cultural heritage associated with mangos. Watch this documentary for an engaging visual narrative on mangos. [10]

Remember to consult the respective sources for more detailed information on each reference.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

National Mango Board.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 

International Mango Festival.

Litz, R. E. (Ed.). Mango: Botany, Production, and Uses. CABI Publishing, 2009.

Sarker, S. D., Nahar, L., & Kumarasamy, Y. (2007). Traditional and medicinal uses of mangos. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 120(3), 385-395.

Mango Varieties Database. International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet). 

Mango Industry Development Program. Philippine Department of Agriculture.

Mango: The King of Fruits. Documentary.

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