Reference For Blackberry


USDA National Nutrient Database: The USDA National Nutrient Database provides comprehensive information on the nutritional composition of various foods, including blueberries. It provides data on macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, minerals and other components present in blueberries. Check out this database for detailed nutrition information about blueberries. [1]

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry: The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry publishes research articles focusing on the chemistry, structure, and health benefits of various foods, including blueberries. It provides scientific insight into the phytochemicals, antioxidants, bioactive compounds and potential health-promoting properties associated with the consumption of blueberries. Check out relevant articles in this journal for a deeper understanding of blueberry-related research. [2]

Blueberries: Botany, Production and Uses Chad E. Finn, James F. Edited by Hancock and Susan E. Abeler: This book provides comprehensive information on blueberries, covering various aspects such as their botany, cultivation methods, genetic improvement, post-harvest, etc. To handle, and use. It discusses the nutritional value, flavor compounds, and potential health benefits of blueberries. Consult this book for a detailed understanding of blueberry production and uses. [3]

Blueberries: A Century of Research, Donald K. Salunkhe and Sridhar K. Edited by Sathe: This book focuses on the scientific research conducted on blueberries over the last century. It covers topics such as blueberry chemistry, processing technology, nutritional aspects, health benefits and potential applications in various food products. Refer to this book for in-depth information on blueberry research and its applications. [4]

Blueberries: History, Folklore, Gardening, and Uses by Elizabeth Sheldon: This book explores the cultural, historical, and horticultural importance of blueberries. It highlights the origins of blueberries, their role in folklore and traditions, their cultivation methods, and their various uses in culinary applications. The book provides a fascinating narrative on the history and cultural significance of the blueberry. [5]

Blueberry Breeding and Biotechnology J. Richard Hancock and James F. Edited by Hancock: This book focuses on the breeding and biotechnology of blueberries. It covers topics such as blueberry genetics, breeding methods, molecular markers, biotechnological approaches to blueberry improvement and genomic resources. Refer to this book for detailed information on blueberry breeding and biotechnology. [6]

Remember, to consult the relevant sources for more detailed information on each reference.


1. USDA National Nutrient Database. Website:

2. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Website:

3. Finn, C.E., Hancock, J.F., and Abeler, S.E. (Ed.). (2006). "Blueberries: Botany, Production and Uses." CABI Publications.

4. Salunkhe, D.K., and Sathe, S.K. (Ed.). (2006). "Blueberries: A Century of Research." CRC Press.

5. Sheldon, E. (2005). "Blueberries: History, Folklore, Gardening, and Uses." Timber Press.

6. Hancock, J.R., and Hancock, J.F. (Ed.). (2012). "Blueberry Breeding and Biotechnology." CAB International.

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